[Day 37] Effective recall with sitting in front: How to teach your dog to come back safely
Basic obedience: Day 37 of 56
This video and training is part of the Grunge Obedience Concept, a structured programme to promote obedience and the bond between humans and dogs. The concept is carefully didactic and methodical to ensure that each exercise builds on the previous one for maximum effectiveness. It is crucial that you carry out the training in the intended order to achieve the best possible results for your dog.
Recall training is one of the most important exercises a dog should master. Recall means that your dog not only listens to you, but is also prepared to interrupt its current behaviour and come to you. However, it is not enough for him to simply come back to you somehow. A precise end position, such as "sitting in front", helps to make the recall clear and controlled. In this blog, you will find out why sitting in front is crucial for the recall and how to train it successfully.
Can you imagine your dog sitting right in front of you as soon as you call him?
Goal: Your dog learns the end position of the recall by sitting down in front of or next to you.
Equipment: Collar, Leash, treats
Location: Low-stimulus indoor environment, later outdoors
Duration: approx. 5 minutes, 5 repetitions each
Correction methods for leash training
Recall is a chain of behaviour that comprises several steps:
- Your dog interrupts his current behaviour,
- turns away from stimuli,
- runs to you
- and positions itself close to you.
A clear end position such as "sitting in front" provides structure and clarity in the recall. This means that the dog sits directly in front of or close to you. This increases control over the situation and makes recall training particularly efficient. This method is particularly ideal for dogs with a lot of independence or a high hunting instinct.
Why is the recall with "in front" so useful?
Firstly, it creates clear boundaries for your dog. Instead of running around uncontrollably in front of you, the dog knows exactly where to position itself. This gives your dog security and helps him to concentrate. Especially for dogs with a greater individual distance, who don't like to be close to their humans, sitting in front helps to expand their comfort zone.
Secondly, the recall with a clear end position strengthens the trust between you and your dog. Your dog learns that following the recall is always associated with a positive experience. This motivates him to come back to you more often and more reliably in future.
Thirdly, you can flexibly adapt the "sitting in front" to your dog's needs. Some dogs like to sit directly in front of their human, while others are more comfortable sitting next to their human. No matter which position you choose, your dog will learn that he should immediately switch to this position when you give the recall signal.

Recall training with "sitting in front" requires patience and consistent rewards. The rewards must always be adapted to the dog. They can be treats, games or praise - depending on what motivates your dog the most. It is important that your dog understands that he is being rewarded for his attention and that the recall is a rewarding action.
ℹ Attention
Some dogs have a particularly large individual distance, which also applies to their humans. So watch out for possible signals from your dog when it becomes uncomfortable for him, or when it becomes anatomically uncomfortable for you (because he is too small, too big or similar).
You'll find the perfect equipment with us
The recall with "sitting in front" brings structure to the training and provides your dog with clear points of reference. By teaching your dog a clear end position, you not only reinforce the recall behaviour, but also create trust and control. For a reliable recall, it is important to work patiently and consistently. With regular practice and the right rewards, your dog will perceive the recall as positive and enjoy coming to you - no matter how exciting his environment is at the time.
This video and training is part of the Grunge Obedience Concept, a structured programme to promote obedience and the bond between humans and dogs. The concept is carefully didactic and methodical to ensure that each exercise builds on the previous one for maximum effectiveness. It is crucial that you carry out the training in the intended order to achieve the best possible results for your dog.